The annual comix anthology devoted to debauchery. Adults Only!
I hope you like filth, BECAUSE I'M GOING TO RAM IT INTO YOU! 64 pages of it!
That's right, it's time for Sleazy Slice #7! Just when you thought 7 massive issues of this garbage was impossible, we up and shitted out some more. This issue has piles of my work in it, including a bunch of illustrations and a comic called BADDASS ASSASSIN that Maxine Frank and I teamed up on. We like the title because it has the word "ass" in it three times. We're immature like that.
Other amazing contributors include: SCAR, Wes Crum, Hans Rickheit, John Howard, and the mysterious "Carl". You won't go home unhappy, I'll inform you of that!
Technical Details
Size: 260mm x 170mm
Binding: Magazine
Extent: 64 pages
Publication Date: February 2014
Weight: 155g
Cover Price: $6.00