The annual comix anthology devoted to debauchery. Adults Only!
I hope you like filth, BECAUSE I'M GOING TO RAM IT INTO YOU! 64 pages of it!
That's right, it's time for Sleazy Slice #6! This issue has the biggest comic I've ever done, the 44 page HUMPMONKEY WASTELAND, which is about roving gangs of lesbian gangs that hunt the post apocalyptic wasteland for sniveling victims! IT'S WHAT YOU NEED! Maxine Frank and I teamed up on it.
Other amazing contributors include: SCAR, David Paleo, Rebecca Dart, Wes Crum, Aaron Lange, and J.B. You won't go home unhappy, I'll message you that!
Technical Details
Size: 260mm x 170mm
Binding: Magazine
Extent: 64 pages
Publication Date: February 2013
Weight: 155g
Cover Price: $6.00